Monday, January 13, 2014

Washing veggies!!!

I confess over the last few years here I have only used tap water to wash my veggies sometimes with a lot of luck and sometimes not!  I really love to eat fresh cool salads in these tropical temperatures and they are super yummy, full of minerals, and abnormally fresh. "Straight from the garden into the saucepan" is our motto around here!  However the veggies could also have bacteria and parasites so we need to wash them with a little more than tap water so here is a safe way to eat clean in the tropics!  

Stuff you need: 

1. Fresh veggies
2. Clean water!!!! You can boil filter or buy bottled water.  I usually just buy big bottles of mineral water for really cheap!  :) 
3. Hydrogen peroxide and apple cider vinegar 
4. A big sauce pan, bucket, or other bowl that can fit all your veggies to be covered in water.  

Step 1: 
Cut off any super dirty roots, peel onions, and cut off any bad parts of the vegetables! 

Step 2
Prepare your wash by filling your washing bowl with water!  Add 2 caps of hydrogen peroxide and 2 caps of vinegar.  You can also just use vinegar but I like the extra peroxide to really kill stuff. :P 

Step 3: 
Put your veggies in the wash and soak for 15-20 minutes!  :) 

Step 4: 
Pour out the veggie wash and fill the bowl with clean water.  Rinse the veggies in the clean water! 

Take them out and let them dry and refrigerate or eat em up!  ;). 

Hope this helps!  I did it today and had a very delicious salad!  

For a salad dressing, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt or Italian seasoning is delish and very healthy!  

Happy healthy eating,

Day 5 of cleanse:  
Today I had an egg and avocado for breakfast with ginger tea.
A salad and part of a hamburger patty for lunch. 
I drank a detox drink of water vinegar lemon juice and cayenne pepper! Wowza! 
I stir fried garlic onion cilantro tomato and left over hamburger for a little Mexican stir fry for dinner!  

Today I enjoyed the cleanse and my meals a lot but I'm a little hungry at the end of the day.  Gonna munch on some almonds.  I think I need to pre plan my meals a little more!  :) 

__ Jeremiah 30:17a — “‘For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord….”  (NKJV) 

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